what is myoactivation?

myoActivation® is a methodology developed by Dr. Greg Siren - used to assess and treat chronic pain conditions.  It involves a structured assessment process, along with releasing muscles in sustained contraction, fascia under tension, and relevant scars with the aim of resolving pain.  

Based on the trigger point needling technique developed by Travell and Simons in the 1960s, myoActivation® uses specific trigger point and other needling techniques (i.e. scar release) to unravel years of tissue trauma, pain, and dysfunction.

To ensure quality assurance, myoActivation® has been trademarked and myoActivation® training is now delivered through the Anatomic Medicine Foundation, a BC non-profit society. You can learn more here: anatomicmedicine.org.

what can myoActivation help?

  • Back pain

  • Achilles tendinitis

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Sciatica

  • Shoulder pain/movement issues

  • Mobility Issues

  • Post Surgery Pain

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches and migraines

  • …and more! Any pain or movement issues are helped by myoActivation

what can I expect from a myoActivation assessment and treatment?

STEP 1: Book yourself in! You’ll be prompted to fill out a thorough intake form that considers all past injuries, illnesses, traumas, surgeries, scars, history of pain, etc.

STEP 2: Prepare for your first appointment - wear loose clothing, eat, and hydrate. I have TWO LOCATIONS - I work at Glow on Wednesdays and Full Circle Health Network on Thursdays. Make sure you’re heading the the right location!

STEP 3: The assessment - I’ll walk you through the process, answer any questions you may have and ask you to complete a special myoActivation consent form before we start. After that, you’ll be guided through a series of movement tests and tissue palpations to assess the true origin of pain. (note: often the treatment site is not where pain is felt.  For example: lower back pain often comes from trigger points in the abdominal wall rather than the back.  It’s wild and true! The body is all connected!!)

Step 4: The treatment - You’ll experience tissue release via trigger point needling. Everyone wants to know… does it hurt?! Of course, any treatment that involves needling can be uncomfortable but I work hard to make you as comfortable as possible and most people are surprised to find the work very tolerable - especially once they feel the results!

Step 5: Aftercare - you might be tired and sore for a few days. Especially after your first treatment. As the body releases, ranges of motion generally increase, your body becomes more symmetrical, and pain decreases. It’s not uncommon for range of motion to improve before pain. As we unravel the layers of pain, you may feel achy in areas that are different from your original complaint or symptom. This is not unusual and we see it as a positive sign. Before leaving I’ll walk you through what to expect and provide you with a handout to help you support your body post-treatment.

Dr. Jillian is a naturopath whose work focuses on unraveling a lifetime of tissue trauma and dysfunction that’s lead to chronic pain.


Dr. Jillian Murphy is a registered, licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, having completed the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine’s four-year postgraduate program in 2006. Prior to attending CCNM, Dr. Murphy graduated from the University of New Brunswick with a Bachelor’s degree in Science and Kinesiology.

Jillian’s background includes 10 years of general naturopathic practice along with over 15 years of working in various fields, including intuitive eating and body image. Following a chronic shoulder and back injury, Jillian invested in repairing her own pain and dysfunction - which led to her additional training in myoActivation, CBT, and coaching.

Jillian loves to stay active! In addition to her practice, she maintains an active lifestyle that includes: cold plunging, dance, jogging, walking, biking, swimming and yoga. She is currently training to become a certified Pilates instructor and is an active board member for The Kingston School of Dance.

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